He is more alert and awake these days and he loves to sit up and look around. He will mimick us when we stick are tongues out at him. It is amazing how quickly they learn and change in the first few months. He lost the baby hair on the top of his head, but it has quickly started to grow back in. Dad is a bit jealous of that.

Alyssa has really grown to love her baby brother. She loves to talk to him and help with anything she can. She misses him when she is gone and calls and asks about him and how he is doing. It is amazing how naturally she has grown to love this little being that has soooo changed life as she knew it.

Alyssa will start the 2nd grade this week (It has gone by soooo fast!) and we are all ready to get back into the swing of things. I am a little nervous about how I will manage in the mornings now with 2 children instead of just 1, but Alyssa promises to be helpful and get ready in the mornings. She has lost one of her front teeth and the one next to it is now loose. She may be singing "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth", by December.
That is pretty much all we have been up to the past month. Everyone has been working at adjusting to our new way of life. Caleb goes back to the doctor in 2 weeks for his 2 month check up. More to report then....in the meantime, here are a few pics.

Alyssa and Caleb

Uncle Shaun's tye-dyes

Alyssa and dad's guitar
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