The Romo's Christmas Eve 2010 |
Christmas has come and gone.....and as usual it went by sooo fast! It was a very special Christmas this year. Caleb experienced his first Christmas and Alyssa experienced her first Christmas with a sibling. Both were big milestones in the Romo house! Alyssa, of course, got her most desired present from Santa--an ipod touch. I love her excitement at everything that occurs at Christmas!
A new year has already begun and we are back into the swing of things. No big new year resolutions...for me it is just one more thing to keep up with and try not to fail at! I just want a happy, healthy, and financially successful year.
Over the Christmas break, Caleb turned 6 months old! Wow..it went by so quickly. It seems like he should still be the little fragile baby I brought home from the hospital. Instead he is an 18 lb chunk of fun! He is sitting up on his own and plays with his toys and big sister. He talks and talks and can now say momma and da da da! He still hates to lay on his belly and will probably walk before he crawls. He loves his bottles, but now eats fuits and vegetables. I love to see his little personality start to come out.
We have alot coming up this month and will blog about them more in the next few weeks!