Well, I finally gave in and decided to start a blog to keep everyone up to date with what is going on with our family. I can not promise to post weekly, monthly, etc. but I will try to let you know the big events of our life.
Speaking of BIG EVENTS, Caleb arrived 3 weeks early on June 27th. He rushed into the world (not sure why he was in such a hurry??) and to his mother's dismay without time for an epidural. I woke up at 5:45am with contractions and within 15 minutes decided to wake dad and big sister for our trip to the hospital. By 6:30am we were in the triage room of labor and delivery. I was only at a 4 and the nurse was waiting for the doctor to call back to see if they wanted to admit. By the time the doctor called back, mom was in terrible pain and wishing for some pain meds! Within an hour I was moved to the Labor and Delivery room and was checked again. I was at a 7 and was not going to be able to get an epidural. They called the doctor back and told him to come to the hospital. Within the next 15 minutes, I was checked again and was already at a 9. Caleb made his way into the world with one push at 8:41am!
He weighed in at 6lbs 4oz and was 191/2 inches long.
His big sister was very impressed!
After a few crazy days in the hospital we got to come home. Alyssa stayed with grandma for a few days so we could get use to having a baby around again!

Caleb went on his first road trip to Hereford on the 3rd of July since Aunt Susan, Uncle Shaun, and family were in town. He was introduced to his great-grandma's for the first time.
Caleb and Grandma Angel
Caleb with Nanny and Pop
Alyssa also got to play her with twin cousins Autumn and Bailey! On the 4th of July, we hung out at the house and Alyssa shot her "fireworks" off in the backyard. She would not know what to do if she got to actually shoot off real fireworks! We went to the fireworks show in Amarillo that night and Alyssa got to play with sparklers.
Caleb is now 2 weeks old and weighs in at 6lbs 11oz and is 201/2 inches. Alyssa is slowly asjusting to having to share attention with her new baby brother, but she did admit she did not want God to take him back because she "has feelings for him". Stephen and I are slowly adjusting to the sleep deprivation, but I know it will get better. We are so blessed to have 2 wonderful children who are healthy and happy!