Yeah...it is Friday again! So much swirling around in my head today so hear ya go......
1. Another wonderful week of Vacation Bible School has come and gone. This year's theme was Sonrise National Park--camping! Alyssa loved it and really wants to go camping now more than ever! She was also able to stay with us this week and not go to grandma's so we were pretty excited too!
2. Due to VBS being in the mornings, a great friend of mine took Alyssa in the afternoons to play with her daughter. They did some pretty awesome things like swimming, Discovery Center, Summer Reading Program at the library, and Roller Skating! What a week she has had!
3.Preparations have begun for a little boy's 2 year Birthday Party....can you say Hot Dog! Hot Dog! Hot Diggity Dog! I have decided I can be some what crafty...can't wait to show you pictures!
4.I have had the hardest time getting up in the mornings this week. I don't know what my problem is, but evidently my entire house has the same problem. Alyssa fell back to sleep yesterday with her lights on and Caleb has been sleeping in all week. Hoping next week we get back on schedule...I hate feeling like I am running behind!
5. Had a wonderful experience Monday. I will say that my fear of the unknown nearly kept me away, but I knew I would always regret it if I did not go. I made my first visit to an occupied prison ( I visited these same prisons on a field trip in school when they were first built, but there were no inmates there yet)! Like I said, it was a wonderful experience..even for a prison. I was invited to attend the Bridges to Life Graduation at the Clements Unit. This is a wonderful program that makes inmates face what they have done and realize what the victims go through as well. Victims come and speak for 4 weeks and the inmates break out into smaller group sessions to discuss that weeks topics. For Catholics, the inmates go through a similar process of confession/reconcilliation. That is the closest thing I can compare it to. They are required to tell their story to the small group. These guys completed the 14 week session and handle to struggle with some pretty tough questions, but they were so excited to get up and talk Monday about what the program meant to them. These guys just glowed and you could see what a BIG deal it was to them to complete this! Such an awesome experience! So much I could write about this but instead check it out at http://www.bridgestolife.org/ or check out today's Amarillo Globe News Article.( http://amarillo.com/news/local-news/2012-06-14/beilue-clements-unit-hosts-graduation-no-other ) .
6.This week will be a clean out Alyssa room week! That is my main goal of the week...pray I make it through and don't get lost in all the STUFF she has accumulated!
7. Last but not least, Happy Father's Day! I have a wonderful dad,who in his own way, always lets me know he loves me! And to Alyssa and Caleb's dad...hope you have a relaxing, blessed day and that you know how much you are loved and appreciated all year long! We will be going to watch the local baseball team on Sunday with my brother and his family. Should make for a great end to the weekend!
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